Corey is gone for work this week and I am riding solo with Megan....for 5 days. This will be a test of my patience not having a buffer for her energy and talkiness. Gads the girl loves to talk!
Mother's day was Sunday and it was bittersweet. I kept hoping Sarah would surprise me and walk through the door but I had to be content with my day as it was. My parents came in and I treated them to the Domes in Milwaukee. We came back to our house for a lunch of hardrolls and ham salad. I also put out chips and pickles and a fruit salad. Chocolate Chip cookies for dessert. It was a nice day all-in-all and I shouldn't complain.
Since Corey left for North Carolina around noon, Megan and I ended our weekend by watching a cute movie called "The Hotel for Dogs" I let her stay up past her bedtime but she was good about it.
If ever you want a taste of single parenthood, chase your spouse away for a few days and get a feel for how much he/she does help you out around the house. My daughter said to me this morning "Do you know how to run the dishwasher since dad isn't here?" Gotta love their perception vs reality!
Only three days left....but who is counting?