Mid-life crisis, pre-menopause, or just old age...my state of mind lately changes like the Wisconsin weather. Waukesha is a smaller town west of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It's a neat town with a private college, a really cool downtown shopping district with lots of galleries and antique stores.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Time Crunch

It's been two weeks since I last blogged. I'm entering the busiest time of year at work and am starting to feel the pinch. Because of that, I want to remind myself of what I am thankful for:

(1) My health. Despite being Type 1 diabetic for 18 years, I enjoy good eye sight, all my limbs and only minor issues that most 45-year-olds experience.
(2) My family. I have a wonderfully supportive and loving husband, a superb 14-year-old daughter who makes me so proud to be her mom and a very eclectic and cute 2 1/2-year-old that has as many fun moments as the exasperating ones! Not to mention my extended family who will be babysitting this weekend so my hubby and I can get away by ourselves. :-)
(3) Supportive friends. From my friend Liz who understands when I have to again blow her off for lunch due to work obligations; to my beading buddies (Jeanne, Hope, and Pam) who are always there for me in good times and bad every lunch hour; to my friend Jennie who is always good for a quick lunch, venting and a few laughs.

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