Mid-life crisis, pre-menopause, or just old age...my state of mind lately changes like the Wisconsin weather. Waukesha is a smaller town west of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It's a neat town with a private college, a really cool downtown shopping district with lots of galleries and antique stores.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Sleepovers and Hangovers

My oldest is home from college for spring break. Her two BFFs came and spent the night and it is so heartwarming to hear the giggling that only young girls can do. I am so grateful she has such good friends who are good kids, come from good families and have good values. The timing on last night's adventure wasn't the best. Hubby had to go into work for an overnight change to the company's infrastructure and since all did not go well, he didn't get home until after 8 a.m. Which means as I sit here and work outside the sleeping area in my office off of the bedroom, I worry that a phone call will happen any moment and will wake him up. If the girls were not downstairs, I could set up shop down there. I feel I can focus better with snoring background noises than giggling. :-) Last night's adventures had more casualties than my hubby. My daughter ate too much junk food and got violently ill this a.m. Think Melissa McCarthy (aka Megan in the movie Bridesmaids)where stuff is coming out both ends.... Guess eating a rich Italian Meatloaf, loaded mashed potatoes, cupcakes, chips and dip, ramen noodle salad and cookies, it gets a bit much for the tummy (which is used to basic college fare) can handle. At least she is old enough to successfully make it to the basement bathroom without throwing up all over. (and if she did throw up all over, she would have had to clean up!) Another sunny day in Waukesha!

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