Mid-life crisis, pre-menopause, or just old age...my state of mind lately changes like the Wisconsin weather. Waukesha is a smaller town west of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It's a neat town with a private college, a really cool downtown shopping district with lots of galleries and antique stores.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

So much to do, so little time...

My problem is I have too much clutter in my life and I need to get it all organized. I always seem to be behind schedule and when push comes to shove, I either have to compromise on the quality of the work, or I have to scrap that item from my list and it doesn't get done. It's been that way since I had my last daughter (and she is almost 4-years-old!

Tonight it will be another mad dash to get stuff done...drop off the oldest at driver's ed class at 6, get the fundraising forms from our band treasurer and get those organized, get supper made, get the downstairs picked up and the bathroom cleaned, pack for our weekend trip, pick up the oldest daughter from class, bake blueberry muffins.....*sigh*

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