Mid-life crisis, pre-menopause, or just old age...my state of mind lately changes like the Wisconsin weather. Waukesha is a smaller town west of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It's a neat town with a private college, a really cool downtown shopping district with lots of galleries and antique stores.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Spiritual motivation sorely needed

To get more involved at our parish, I volunteered to teach Faith Formation class this year. Growing up Lutheran, we called it Sunday school and I believe my Catholic friends called theirs CCD (I have no clue what that stood for.) I converted to Catholicism in college and have been a Cathlolic now for almost 30 years.

Corey comes along to assist because if everyone shows up, we have 28 seventh and eighth graders! Some weeks I put in a lot of effort and don't feel I'm getting through to them at all. This week I didn't put in as much effort for our twice/monthly lesson and Corey's comment after class was "that went well." What!?! Were you in the same class I was?

The kids rarely participate and only read if I make them read. Seventh and eighth graders should be reading better than they do in class...although even I have difficulty with some of the words in the Bible etc. I try and switch it up--do something different every 30 minutes or so. I've also resorted to candy bribes so they bring their folders and to encourage them to participate.

Talk about a workout. I'm so drained when our time is up. Fatigued....mentally and physically.

Am I getting through? Do I force them to think? I hope so. Minimally, I hope our discussions and lessons incite discussions around their dinner table. I can't say I remember any of my Sunday school teachers from my youth, but as we have made our way through our lessons this past year, the Biblical stories came back. And as we slowly close out the year (only three classes to go), they are all tieing together.

I guess I need to be more like St. Francis who says in the Introduction to the Devout Life, “the proud man who trusts in himself has good reason not to attempt anything. The humble man is all the more courageous because he recognizes his own impotence. The less he esteems himself, the more daring he becomes because he places his whole trust in God.” I need to quit doubting and begin trusting in Him and perhaps our last few sessions will go well for all.

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