Mid-life crisis, pre-menopause, or just old age...my state of mind lately changes like the Wisconsin weather. Waukesha is a smaller town west of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It's a neat town with a private college, a really cool downtown shopping district with lots of galleries and antique stores.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Turning 50, Diets & Will Power

So what is it about dieting that makes you want to eat everything in sight, even if you aren't remotely interested?

I'm proud I finally decided to do something about my body image and joined Weight Watchers this morning. I've been contemplating this for a long time...not necessarily Weight Watchers but doing something to jump start me into a healthier mode and hopefully lose weight. My goals for 2011 were to get a new job (done) and to lose weight. That's it. It's achieveable...but I've been on the downward spiral for the past five years and I've decided enough is enough.

My first step this week was signing up for a class in the fitness center at work called "From Couch to 5K in Eight Weeks." The first class is next Thursday after work. I knew I wanted to lose weight, but haven't had the initiative to do anything about it. Well, this morning I had this epiphany, hit the web to see the class schedule and did it. My hubby and youngest daughter weren't even out of bed yet!

Breakfast was fine, lunch was fine, but the rest of the day....I wanted to snarf cookies, chips, dip...all the naughty items left in our house after last week's party.

The Weight Watchers plan will definitely be doable...a beer is only 5 points--so worth it when I'm having a bad day. Cookies are 2 - 3 points....again, I can plan for that! Today in fact, I had three cookies and still have a point left to burn today if I care to!

Tomorrow after I get dolled up I'll have Corey take a "before" picture...then it will be to stick with the plan...tracking what I eat online or on the phone app to see if the new PointsPlus plan will work for me. Anything in a positive weight loss will be good for me!

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