Mid-life crisis, pre-menopause, or just old age...my state of mind lately changes like the Wisconsin weather. Waukesha is a smaller town west of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It's a neat town with a private college, a really cool downtown shopping district with lots of galleries and antique stores.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bill "The Big Unit" Michaels

Have you ever experienced running into someone at work and you realize you haven't seen them in a while....you make some small talk sort of comment and then they inform you they've been on disability for 12 weeks or something like that? I was delivered a blow on my drive home tonight...I am an avid listener to WTMJ 620.

I was a Jonathan Green fan and didn't think I'd like the new guy, John McCure. He's not as annoying as he was on TV. I decided the reason I still like the new talk news program on my drive home was thanks to Bill Michaels.

Bill is a straight shooter, breaks it down very simply and uses terminology that everyone can understand--even if they aren't a rabid fan of the sport. He is a master of his trade. As a female, casual fan of most of the big sports, he taught me enough to talk the talk with the guys at work. He got me to see the games from a different perspective.

The blow I got on my drive home tonight was John McCure welcoming some new schmucks to Sports Central beginning next week and I'm like WHAT? Imagine my surprise to look Bill up on Facebook and get the news that WTMJ and Bill could not come to agreement on his new contract. I'm sooo bummed! I actually shed tears...I like this guy that much! (like when they announced that Fr. Dolan was tapped to go to New York)

I am numb right now...not sure if I'll listen to 620 in the afternoon anymore. This really blows!

Weight Watchers wise I am still hanging in there sticking to the plan. Got 60 minutes of walking in at lunch and only went over on my points by 2. This is the first time I've gone over on points (in four days.)

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