Mid-life crisis, pre-menopause, or just old age...my state of mind lately changes like the Wisconsin weather. Waukesha is a smaller town west of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It's a neat town with a private college, a really cool downtown shopping district with lots of galleries and antique stores.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

No TV?

It's 8 p.m. and our cable is out...which forces me to do something constructive...I've been constructive all day....come on! I want some mind-numbing nothing, some witty dialog, some easy comedy or some HGTV education why my decor is screwed up.

My youngest is at the park with her father and my oldest is working on summer school homework for college. 8 p.m. is too late in the evening to get anything started but too early to hit the sack--remember, hubby is at the park ;-) Guess I'll have to read a book...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Not Pregnant!

Nothing like shopping with your youngest daughter to bring you back to reality! Yesterday I was shopping for a summer dress and while trying on a particularly tight one she said "You know mom, if people didn't know you, they'd think you were pregnant!"

OK, I have grown a bit of a gut...there is truth to what she says...Out of the mouths of babes and drunks comes the truth! Makes me want to improve my diet!

Friday, July 08, 2011

No Energy Friday Nights

I'm sure it is an age thing, but I know many people older than myself that make a night of it every Friday night. I can barely keep my eyes open past 6 p.m. What's with that?

I do work hard all week long--10 hour days at work and usually some time in the yard after supper. Gardening is my passion...my flower gardens are evidence of that. This year I have a vegetable garden on top of that. So with all of that activity you'd think I'd have a lot of energy? No way. I just can't seem to catch my second wind.

Time to go for ice cream....now that got me going!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bill "The Big Unit" Michaels

Have you ever experienced running into someone at work and you realize you haven't seen them in a while....you make some small talk sort of comment and then they inform you they've been on disability for 12 weeks or something like that? I was delivered a blow on my drive home tonight...I am an avid listener to WTMJ 620.

I was a Jonathan Green fan and didn't think I'd like the new guy, John McCure. He's not as annoying as he was on TV. I decided the reason I still like the new talk news program on my drive home was thanks to Bill Michaels.

Bill is a straight shooter, breaks it down very simply and uses terminology that everyone can understand--even if they aren't a rabid fan of the sport. He is a master of his trade. As a female, casual fan of most of the big sports, he taught me enough to talk the talk with the guys at work. He got me to see the games from a different perspective.

The blow I got on my drive home tonight was John McCure welcoming some new schmucks to Sports Central beginning next week and I'm like WHAT? Imagine my surprise to look Bill up on Facebook and get the news that WTMJ and Bill could not come to agreement on his new contract. I'm sooo bummed! I actually shed tears...I like this guy that much! (like when they announced that Fr. Dolan was tapped to go to New York)

I am numb right now...not sure if I'll listen to 620 in the afternoon anymore. This really blows!

Weight Watchers wise I am still hanging in there sticking to the plan. Got 60 minutes of walking in at lunch and only went over on my points by 2. This is the first time I've gone over on points (in four days.)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day Three and Staying Strong

This is my third day on Weight Watchers and I'm amazed I've been able to stick to it. It has been years since I've gone successfully for this long...I just haven't had the will power.

So far so good. The daily point value I'm allowed seems like too many. Today though, I wanted to have a beer, but after tallying up my totals, I had like three points left and I needed 5 for a beer. I could tap into my 49 extra weekly points, but I decided I didn't need a beer that bad today! So after a 60 minute walk I ate two small cookies sealing the deal on the points for today.

I tried a new recipe today, it was a crock pot white chili recipe. I initially cut the recipe in half and added half the spice, but ended up adding extra beans and chicken broth but forgot to up the spices too. It was fine...not sure I cared for the ground turkey meat...I think diced cooked chicken might have tasted better.

On my walk tonight I heard a lot of bird cacaphony as well as a woodpecker. Spring is definitely on the way!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Turning 50, Diets & Will Power

So what is it about dieting that makes you want to eat everything in sight, even if you aren't remotely interested?

I'm proud I finally decided to do something about my body image and joined Weight Watchers this morning. I've been contemplating this for a long time...not necessarily Weight Watchers but doing something to jump start me into a healthier mode and hopefully lose weight. My goals for 2011 were to get a new job (done) and to lose weight. That's it. It's achieveable...but I've been on the downward spiral for the past five years and I've decided enough is enough.

My first step this week was signing up for a class in the fitness center at work called "From Couch to 5K in Eight Weeks." The first class is next Thursday after work. I knew I wanted to lose weight, but haven't had the initiative to do anything about it. Well, this morning I had this epiphany, hit the web to see the class schedule and did it. My hubby and youngest daughter weren't even out of bed yet!

Breakfast was fine, lunch was fine, but the rest of the day....I wanted to snarf cookies, chips, dip...all the naughty items left in our house after last week's party.

The Weight Watchers plan will definitely be doable...a beer is only 5 points--so worth it when I'm having a bad day. Cookies are 2 - 3 points....again, I can plan for that! Today in fact, I had three cookies and still have a point left to burn today if I care to!

Tomorrow after I get dolled up I'll have Corey take a "before" picture...then it will be to stick with the plan...tracking what I eat online or on the phone app to see if the new PointsPlus plan will work for me. Anything in a positive weight loss will be good for me!

Wednesday, February 02, 2011


Howling winds tonight...wind gusts upwards over 40 mph at times. The wind is blowing so hard that the snow has made it between the storm window and our 118 year old windows. I'm in my favorite lazy boy chair and cannot see the bird feeder or suet feeder that bring me joy. Cannot look out my kitchen window either.

I have a drift at the bottom of our driveway that is at least five feet high and one off of the fence by the garage that is about the same. The front sidewalk to our porch has drifted over to the point you cannot see there is even a sidewalk there.

Leave it to the college kids to enjoy the snow. The frat boys from down the street are drinking it up and walking somewhere...no boots, no hat...idiots. At least most folks are heeding the warnings and are not out and about driving.

On my drive home, I stopped at the grocery store to get a few things in hopes we would have a snow day. There was only about 4 gallons of milk left in the cooler!

Work officially cancelled tomorrow. I get to work from home in my jammies!