What a difference a day can make! Although my day was hectic, it didn't have the stress and drama yesterday did. Whew! I read it as a sign, but in the mailroom, on the bulletin board was a poster about depression....I answered "yes" to many of the questions...perhaps I take my OB-GYN up on her recommendation I try some meds.
We were able to get in a walk this evening after supper and I'm hoping the fresh air and extra bit of exercise will help me sleep the night through. My youngest (2 1/2) has come to expect a walk to the park after supper. Not only is it getting colder, but it is also getting darker earlier...we'll have to come up with something creative for when the Wisconsin weather sets in. It was 51 degress tonight (one of those clear, crisp evenings)...not bad when you're walking and keeping yourself warm...but for her sitting in a stroller...brrrr.
I read a post earlier today from Tamara (My Pre-Midlife Crisis) who listed 25 accomplishments for the past year. It was very motivational for her to see how much she had done in 12 months time. I'm thinking I'll need to do it as well....but I'm nervous because I don't think I've accomplished that much. This weekend...when I have more time.
Procrastination is one of my things to get better at. The weekend will be here before I know it!
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