Mid-life crisis, pre-menopause, or just old age...my state of mind lately changes like the Wisconsin weather. Waukesha is a smaller town west of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It's a neat town with a private college, a really cool downtown shopping district with lots of galleries and antique stores.

Friday, July 06, 2012

Africa Hot

So Wisconsin has set a new meteorological record today...the third day in a row with temperatures over 100. Today I believe was the hottest....107 degrees Fahrenheit at one point in Waukesha, where we live.

I took every available bucket outside and filled them all with water this morning. My idea was to get them air temperature, so when I watered the plants, I wouldn't shock them with ultra cold water. After supper, I watered the bushes and plants up front with the first 10 gallons of water. I'll get the side gardens and some of the plants in the back tomorrow morning. I heard that with this excessive heat, your trees and bushes require 5 gallons of water a week. I have my work cut out for me!

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