Mid-life crisis, pre-menopause, or just old age...my state of mind lately changes like the Wisconsin weather. Waukesha is a smaller town west of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It's a neat town with a private college, a really cool downtown shopping district with lots of galleries and antique stores.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Packer Backer

I've always been a Green Bay Packer fan. (OK, maybe not when I was a kid and my dad and uncles would hog the TV to watch the games during family get togethers.) Shortly (OK, immediately) after my divorce from hubby who will go unnamed, I was able to secure my email handle where I proudly show the love of my home team. (That in itself is another story.) Every game day I run the gambit of: to fly or not fly the flag (is it good luck or bad luck); do I watch the game or listen to it on the radio (I feel they do better when I am out shopping and hearing the game on the radio); which shirt do I wear, which Packer set of earrings? Now remember that video of the drunk chick that made the news a year or so ago when the Packers lost their playoff berth? You can watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbjqjOrFBbs I'm a fan, but I'm not rabid (or drunk.) I feel for her, because wardrobe, earrings and nail polish IS important. Now back to the ex-hubby and my e-mail handle. I had had my new email handle for a while (spouting my love for the Packers) when I got a comment back from the ex that I complained every weekend when he watched football while we were married, yet claim my love for the Packers in my new e-mail handle? My reply? Hell Yes! It's easy to love and follow your home team when I'm not forced to watch every single football game on TV from Thursday through Monday during football season! Difference? I love Packer football--not football in general. OK, Packer football and any team playing the Vikings or the Bears! My current husband? Yes, he's a Flatlander....but he's a Packer Backer as well. I've converted him (not that it was hard--he didn't grow up in a household that watched much sports.) Did my anxiety help the Packers today? It's only the half--time, and earrings, will tell. *Post Game Update* These earrings are going in the trash! (Packers lost)

Friday, December 28, 2012

Post Holiday Boredom

Not only did I have a four-day weekend, but then three days working from home. Now another four-day weekend is upon us and I find that I have a bad case of the blahs. I'm bored with the stuff/games/music we have around the house, I'm broke so I cannot go shopping to relieve my boredom....what's a girl to do? Cruddy weather is looming and the sidewalks are slippery--no walking. Games on my phone and laptop bore me--no games. Hubby and daughter working on a 3-D puzzle--blah. Since it is later in the evening, perhaps I just go to bed. Need to shake out of this cruddy mood and fast!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Post Holiday Break

It is always nice to work the week between Christmas and New Years. There aren't many employees in the building and not too many people have needs. This year, working this week is especially nice since my boss is allowing me to work from home. (and in turn, I am allowing my employee to work from home as well.) If someone needs something, they know they can call my cell phone or ping me on Sametime (our Instant Messenger) if needed. I worked all day today, but it didn't seem urgent in any way and this is the most relaxed I've been in a long time. Megan is home from school so I get to spend time with her as well. Love my life right now.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Four-day Weekends Go Too Fast!

My employer is good about giving us holidays off...so I had Christmas Eve and Day off this year, giving me a four-day weekend. Why do four-day weekends go by so fast? Had the family over for Christmas on Sunday and that went by in a blur. All that prep, you hardly get to enjoy it. Then Christmas Eve we spent the day at my in-laws...today, was just for us. Lazed about the house, only venturing out for the occasional dog walk and a short trip to the dog park. Ralphie really enjoyed herself there....running a lot in the snow! The only nice thing about the remainder of the week is that I get to work from home.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


My oldest daughter did mom a favor this weekend and took the weekend off from work. This allowed us to pick her up late Friday afternoon in Madison, and get out of Dodge (so to speak) for a family weekend together. Since our youngest daughter had an egg drop challenge at school, we opted to pick her up after school. We drove to Madison straightaway, picked up daughter #1 and headed to Verona, Wisconsin. We rented a room at a new Holiday Inn Express. Nice place--new, modern and super nice staff. Ate supper at a brew pub...again, super nice staff, but the food sucked. Could not keep my eyes open and it was fairly early. The girls went swimming in the pool and Corey and I watched TV. A nice, relaxing evening. Today, we started the day at a holiday arts and crafts show in Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin. I bought cat nip toy for Zorro, an ornament for the tree and the girls got tatted ornaments for the tree. I try and buy them both an ornament each year so when they move out on their own, they will have a tree full of ornaments. Since it was early, we then drove to Mineral Point, Wisconsin to tour the galleries in town. Drove down Shake Rag street (from the old iron ore mining history) and to a gallery outside of town. Drove all the way back home so Sarah can have one night at home. Christmas portraits tomorrow at JCPenney.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Right to Vote

As much as we bitch and moan about the numerous phone calls, junk mail, knocks at the door and commercial press trying to convince us to vote one way or another, you have to love that we live in a country that allows us the freedom to vote. More than anything, I'm glad that Facebook posts and Twitter updates will no longer have a political bent (after today that is.) You can't help but look at a coworker or neighbor differently if they don't lean the way you do. But again, it comes back to us living in the United States where we can agree to disagree. My flag is out flying proudly today. I'm heading out to vote over the lunch hour. I hope you are voting as well. All votes count. Freedom matters. Our futures depend on your vote.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Full Moon

What is it about a full moon that brings out the weirdos around the world? I can always seem to tell, even if the full, bright moon isn't obvious in the sky. Requests come in at work like gangbusters, weird system issues come out of the woodwork, and it always seems to happen when I'm at my busiest. Is this something that can be measured or quantified? My instincts seem to think so.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Fall in Wisconsin

The weather in Wisconsin is always interesting--the temperatures and weather patterns can change at the drop of a hat. But fall in Wisconsin needs to be experienced! The crisp smell as you crunch fallen leaves underfoot during a walk in the woods, the smell of a burning pile of leaves, the unseasonably warm spells and the cold snaps that make warm tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich taste all the better. Is there anything better than Badger football or Green Bay Packer football? The annual ritual of raking leaves to the curb, only to see the neighbor's unraked leaves blow onto your property for disposal. :-( We saw our temps fall from 72 degrees Farenheit to 35 degrees Farenheit this week. The winds kicked up my neat pile of leaves at the curb and squirrels are rooting around in the yard to store their finds for winter. The vivid leaf colors of brillant red, dull orange, muted shades of yellow. Yes, I love living in Wisconsin. Especially this time of year!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Walk of Shame in Beautiful Wisconsin

I was out walking my Havanese this morning before mass and encountered three young men at various points during the walk returning to their apartments. Mussed hair, wrinkled clothing...the early morning walk of shame back from their girl friend's place. (making assumptions here.) It ended up being a beautiful day today in SE Wisconsin. 63 degrees at 3 p.m. which is rare. I'm inside though watching the Green Bay Packers play the St. Louis Rams. One minute left in the game and they are winning 30 - 13. Love it when my Packers win! Since we did all of the outside work yesterday, I plan on just enjoying myself today and taking it easy.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Cranberry Festival

My family camped in Warrens, Wisconsin this past weekend. It was absolutely wonderful weather the entire weekend! The fall colors driving to and from the Cranberry Festival were so perfect. There was a Harvest Moon so flashlights were hardly needed if we ventured out at night. We had a roaring fire each night...hard to gear up for a work day tomorrow. *sigh*

Monday, August 27, 2012

UW-Madison Pride

We moved our daughter (again) over the weekend, into her next apartment for her junior year at UW-Madison. This move was particularly painful for us in that she had to be out of her old apartment during a time when she was away for a camp job. So that meant we had to move her out of her sophomore apartment, hold her stuff for three weeks, and then move her into the "new" apartment this weekend. Nothing like wrestling with 100+ pound dresser sets, desks and boxes of kitchen gear twice in a three-week period.

Oh, and did I mention that her new apartment didn't have an elevator? And did I say that the dresser weighed over 100 pounds....???!!! How about that the temperature that day was around 90 degrees Farenheit?

To say that Corey (my husband) and I were both sweaty messes when we were finished is an understatement. We didn't begin moving her things until about 6 p.m. that evening, our daughter arrived from camp around 7:15 p.m. on the bus and by then, we were done moving it all up the two flights and into her bedroom. By the time we got her picked up from the bus stop, and supper eaten, it was after 9 p.m. A long exhausting day.

Sunday was unpacking day, grocery shopping and out and about getting odds and ends like carpeting, desk chairs, shelving....and in our jaunts about town, we noticed so many other families in our same boat. New UW students wearing their new Badger gear, parents finding that balance between being a parent and hovering too much. UW-Madison did a good job Sunday keeping traffic moving around the residence halls where the freshman were moving in and high traffic areas like the bookstore where kids wanted to stock up on Badger gear.

Our daughter is the farthest from campus she has ever lived. She is just four blocks from our illustrious state capital. The street where she lives is 98% UW-M students. Older hovels (I mean homes) carved into small apartments. As I walked two blocks to the restaurant where we dined Saturday night, I counted at least one party every third or fourth house. Definitely taking advantage of the good weather and no coursework (classes begin next week.)

I'm very proud of my daughter and what she has accomplished. I'm proud of being a Badger mom. You Rah! Rah! On Wisconsin!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Life Gets in the Way Sometimes

If I could retire tomorrow, I'd do so in Milwaukee minute! I have so many things I want to do and try, but never enough time to do it all.

We have a receptionist at work who is very proud that she has worked for the company for almost 50 years. She is clearly beyond retirement age, but says she doesn't know what she'd do with herself!

This week I turned the sloth chapter and hopefully put to bed my non-fitness ways. If I cannot change my eating habits, then my fitness habits need to pick up so I don't turn into one of those candidates for The Biggest Loser.

It all snowballs--ride bike or go for a walk over my lunch hour takes away time I could be picking up around the house or running errands. Now running errands and cleaning the house need to come out somewhere else....my family time, craft time? It is all important and so necessary for my psyche...but then there is this thing called work. I need to earn a buck so I can travel, support my craft habits, have fun with friends, go on vacations.....

It's really too bad that life has to get in the way sometimes!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Follow Up to Earlier Post

I didn't make time the other day to post another incident at our local post office. Is it me, or does that post office bring out the worst in people? (see post from earlier this summer > http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=34622944#editor/target=post;postID=3496557563431131715;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=2;src=postname) Monday I needed to mail a sweepstakes letter as well as a birthday gift to a friend who lives in California. As I moved forward in line (it was my turn next) a dazed looking woman came into the lobby area and glanced at the line (there were about 10 or 12 of us) and walked right up to the counter with her dilemma. No backwards glance to the rest of poor schmo's patiently waiting in line for their turn... From what I gathered from the conversation, she had mailed a package earlier that morning but now wanted it back. Because the Post Office couldn't guarantee next day delivery for the zip code she was mailing to, her sister (the recipient of said package) insisted she ship it another way. Well getting a package back costs you over $10. Once that package crosses the counter, it is in the hands of the government and you have to fill out a form to get it back, as well as cough up some money. I don't care what your story is--you saw the long line of people--our stories may not be as exciting as yours but we waited our turn and you can wait yours bitch. Since I was next, I got my package weighed, paid my postage and went on my merry way. But not before stepping close to our line butter and say softly "next time wait in line like the rest of us!" Shame on her. And shame on the postal clerk for waiting on her. He should have politely asked her to step to the end of the line. I was flustered enough by the whole thing that my sweepstakes envelope was still in my hand down the block a few moments later! But I felt better giving her a piece of my mind!

Fall Weather in the Hottest Month--August

This summer will be on record for Wisconsin--it was so unbearably hot most of the month of July, not to mention dry that I dare not complain about our recent bout of cool weather.

When we woke this morning, it was only 53 degrees Farenheit. Right now, at about 4 p.m. in the afternoon, it is 69 degrees Farenheit.

August in Wisconsin is typically hotter than HOT. Hotlanta hot. And humid. Disgusting humid. Not so this year. In fact, our hottest days in July were hotter than typical August days. Global warming indeed.

We have a new member in our department at work. He localized here from Brazil for career opportunities...how do we explain that this year just isn't typical?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Is It Me, Or Are You Just Rude?

The other day as I was leaving the post office, as I stepped toward the glass exit door, a man threw the door open in front of me and strode right through. Strongly. Without a backwards glance AND did not hold the door for me. WTH?

Holding the door open might have delayed him a whole 10 seconds, but it is a nicety we women come to expect (at least this woman.) I mean, I was RIGHT THERE! His stride was such one would have thought he was going all "postal" on someone or something. Since I haven't read any news stories of such, maybe it was my imagination.

Normally I just blink my eyes and shrug my shoulders and blow it off, but his forceful entry and rudeness still has me pondering two days later.

And since I'm on the subject, what about throwing a baby shower at work and not inviting all of your coworkers? Sure, I work for global and you work for another division, but I sit right next to you when I'm in the office!

Rudeness surrounds me....daily apparently. Here is hoping I get a day of rudefree blissfulness today!

Monday, July 16, 2012

It All Comes Out in the Wash

My hubby is so busted! I've been missing my sunglasses clip-ons for a couple of weeks now. He found them this morning--they must have been in a jeans pocket because they went through both the washer and dryer load. (He's busted because he hasn't been keeping up with the laundry!) I complained last night because I had no shorts to wear. I'm thankful they came out in the wash...we are on vacation soon and the clip-ons are well needed.

Related to laundry, it is the middle of July and I still have winter clothes piles in our bedroom waiting to be packed up. Today is the day to finally get them packed away for the remaining month and a half of summer.

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Cooler Weather, Happier Mama

The temperatures dropped into the 80s Fahrenheit today...currently the temperatures are such we turned off the air conditioning and opened up the windows.

My insulin pump went askew at some point this afternoon. I wasn't feeling well, just wanted to lay down and take a nap....problem though was I was out driving the girls to the mall! Fortunately, I noticed it needed to be reset, and did that, as well as started pumping liquids. It took several hours to feel better...thank goodness for technology! A 511 blood glucose is scarey!

Not only did the weather improve, but my oldest is home from college for a long weekend with us and friends...it is nice to spend time together as a complete family for a change.

Friday, July 06, 2012

Africa Hot

So Wisconsin has set a new meteorological record today...the third day in a row with temperatures over 100. Today I believe was the hottest....107 degrees Fahrenheit at one point in Waukesha, where we live.

I took every available bucket outside and filled them all with water this morning. My idea was to get them air temperature, so when I watered the plants, I wouldn't shock them with ultra cold water. After supper, I watered the bushes and plants up front with the first 10 gallons of water. I'll get the side gardens and some of the plants in the back tomorrow morning. I heard that with this excessive heat, your trees and bushes require 5 gallons of water a week. I have my work cut out for me!

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Optical Illusion

Haven't blogged in a month because I haven't been properly inspired. Yesterday I thought I could write about the pavement between Pewaukee and Delafield on Hwy 16 but once I started typing, decided no more than two sentences was all I could stretch it out.

So on Hwy 16, if you are in the left lane heading west towards Oconomowoc, they've patched the cracks in the road with tar. Driving 65 mph it seems like you are driving over an optical illusion. And that without any liquor in our system--just a boatload of coffee.

Heh, it is the small things sometimes that make our day!

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Wisconsin in the News

How refreshing it is that Wisconsin makes the National news stage for our political disagreements instead of the most recent abusive parent or serial killer news? If only Governor Walker hadn't mentioned beer and brats in his victory speech! Talk about setting stereotypes back a step.

But his talk about working together is nice and he also half admitted not asking for advice on how he went about shutting down collective bargaining. I felt that was a small white flag towards the future improvements he's promised.

75% voter turn out is fantastic--you shouldn't be complaining if you didn't vote. Every vote matters! Just ask Senator Wanggaard of Racine....it appears as though he is losing by 800 votes.

It really is too bad we have the expense of this recall to shoulder, but that is what democracy is all about. Too bad we don't get much of a break with ads, protests or political phone calls either....they will just shift from state politics to National politics with the presidential election on the horizon.

I sure appreciate living in the free world!

Monday, June 04, 2012

Literacy Services

I was invited to the Literacy Services luncheon today at the Pfister Hotel. I used to be more involved with this group, participating in an annual spelling bee and once, assisting with a book fair.

This is one luncheon I love attending. The student's stories are very inspiring to hear and the organization rocks it out of the ballpark on so many levels. They have programs to teach anyone how to read, to teach someone where English is their second language and they also assist student's who are going for their GED.

The time commitment is 90 minutes per week...I'd love to do it if I could find someone to alternate weeks with me. That would only be two nights per month and that doesn't seem so hard from a time commitment standpoint.

Every year I feel like I should do more. Give money, or volunteer my time....I cannot imagine not being able to read. Not to be able to read a road sign, read your child's homework, notes from the teachers, or their report cards. Reading is my escape. It takes me back in time, it surrounds me in Gothic romance, a scintillating mystery, or a silly comedy. It is how I tune out my long day in the office.

Time to step it up...what shall I do?

Saturday, June 02, 2012


As a certified Six Sigma black belt, I have to say that I love all things statistics. When I see pundit polls, bar charts or percentages in print, my pleasure meter goes into overdrive being the devil's advocate to decipher what is in print and look at the stats from another viewpoint. Angles the average viewer would not know or care to think about. Imagine my surprise to find that Google keeps track of who is viewing my blog and where they are found around the globe. As someone who had an emphasis in Geography for my undergrad, it was cool, but also a bit weird to see that three people in Russia viewed my blog, or four from Brazil. Even more weird were the folks from Egypt reading my blog. Hmmm. There are Packer Fans all over...or perhaps because I mention menopause in my intro. Or they are folks like me--nosey, interested individuals who like to read what others write about when they feel the urge to be creative and publish their thoughts. Yeah, I'll go with that one....other thoughts I have are too disturbing to publish!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Single Parenthood

Corey is gone for work this week and I am riding solo with Megan....for 5 days. This will be a test of my patience not having a buffer for her energy and talkiness. Gads the girl loves to talk!

Mother's day was Sunday and it was bittersweet. I kept hoping Sarah would surprise me and walk through the door but I had to be content with my day as it was. My parents came in and I treated them to the Domes in Milwaukee. We came back to our house for a lunch of hardrolls and ham salad. I also put out chips and pickles and a fruit salad. Chocolate Chip cookies for dessert. It was a nice day all-in-all and I shouldn't complain.

Since Corey left for North Carolina around noon, Megan and I ended our weekend by watching a cute movie called "The Hotel for Dogs" I let her stay up past her bedtime but she was good about it.

If ever you want a taste of single parenthood, chase your spouse away for a few days and get a feel for how much he/she does help you out around the house. My daughter said to me this morning "Do you know how to run the dishwasher since dad isn't here?" Gotta love their perception vs reality!

Only three days left....but who is counting?

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Secret Garden

One of my favorite books as a young girl was "The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett. I finally purchased the video for Megan's birthday and we are watching it this afternoon. A beautiful way to end the weekend. As it says on the video box, "magic and hope bloom."

The second movie is "A Little Princess" which is another story by Burnett. I don't remember reading the book, but sure enjoyed watching the VHS movie with Sarah when she was younger. That movie moved us both (still does) of make believe, having zest for life and loving a parent above all else.

Make believe helps one forget their troubles...wish mine could go away that easily!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Master's Degree Paid in Full

Well today my student loan payment came out of my checking account for the final time. I thought my final payment would be over $500 this month, but it ended up being only $224--bonus! I've been making those payments for more than 10 years now...sure feels good!

Not that I'll see any of the money....it will go towards my daughter's rent at college. Always a payment there....for the next few years anyway.

Still feels good though!

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Easter Blessings

We were naughty and did not fight the crowds at mass this morning. Instead, we slept in a bit, read the paper and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast of bagels and bacon. Since it wasn't too cold outside,we decided to go for a bike ride.

Since Megan and I have not been for a ride yet this year, we opted for a short ride. Starting at the trail head of the Glacial Drumlin trail, we road out to Sunset Park, which is about 3.66 miles one way.

Sarah joined us too and was surprised how far 3.6 miles is in reality. She wants to run in a 5K in a month...a big step for someone who has never ran other than a bit on the tread mill. Not that I'm one to judge...I need to get my butt moving daily.

Today was a great way to welcome Spring...thank you sunshine! Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Sleepovers and Hangovers

My oldest is home from college for spring break. Her two BFFs came and spent the night and it is so heartwarming to hear the giggling that only young girls can do. I am so grateful she has such good friends who are good kids, come from good families and have good values. The timing on last night's adventure wasn't the best. Hubby had to go into work for an overnight change to the company's infrastructure and since all did not go well, he didn't get home until after 8 a.m. Which means as I sit here and work outside the sleeping area in my office off of the bedroom, I worry that a phone call will happen any moment and will wake him up. If the girls were not downstairs, I could set up shop down there. I feel I can focus better with snoring background noises than giggling. :-) Last night's adventures had more casualties than my hubby. My daughter ate too much junk food and got violently ill this a.m. Think Melissa McCarthy (aka Megan in the movie Bridesmaids)where stuff is coming out both ends.... Guess eating a rich Italian Meatloaf, loaded mashed potatoes, cupcakes, chips and dip, ramen noodle salad and cookies, it gets a bit much for the tummy (which is used to basic college fare) can handle. At least she is old enough to successfully make it to the basement bathroom without throwing up all over. (and if she did throw up all over, she would have had to clean up!) Another sunny day in Waukesha!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Tired Slob

How did I let my bedroom get to this state? As I put away months of jewelry I've worn and tangled at the end of my dresser, dust surfaces that haven't seen the back end of a dust rag in months, I wonder how I can let things go this way?

Our bedroom is quite large. We live in an old Victorian home that is over 120 years old. Our queen bed, two night stands and a tall boy dresser are tucked into the old "dressing room" and my office is what some might coin the bedroom. My dresser, a hutch, file cabinet, my desk, and a fireplace occupy the space. So does years of clutter, filing to be done, clothes worn once but not enough to throw in the wash. Kids art projects, dry cleaning, ironing board....you get the idea.

If I would just put stuff away as I take it off, put folded laundry away as my hubby brings it upstairs, all would be well with the world. I found a pair of earrings I've been looking for--then remembered they are broke and in need of repair.

As I type this blog, I feel my aching feet, sniffle at the dust I'm uncovering, and revel that I've uncovered 2 1/2 feet of clutter from my dresser. Can I change?

Sunday, February 19, 2012


While tweaking my profile on Facebook, Archbishop (new Cardinal actually)Timothy Dolan is next to Eminem and Ellen DeGeneres. Three public figures who are so drastically different!

I enjoy reading Cardinal Dolan's blogs--because now that he is based in New York, we do not get to hear his radio messages like I used to. Especially this time of year with Lent beginning on Wednesday.

What folks hate about Eminem, I admire. He isn't afraid to say what he is thinking, even if it means his music is tagged as "explicit." He sure has endured a lot in his young age and I like that a white boy can rap.

Ellen's lifestyle doesn't jive with my Catholic values, but she is a good role model with her kindness, generosity, and sense of humor.

Wouldn't it be cool to eat dinner with all four of them at once? Quite the interesting topics of conversation I'm sure!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Perpetual Grumpiness

I hate myself lately. By 6 p.m. I am the worst form of evil....so tired and grumpy. This isn't good for my disposition or anyone within a 6 ft. radius. I'm raring to go at 5:30 a.m. but by 5:30 p.m.--watch out! Is it my age? My lack of exercise? Hormones? Stress? All of the above?

Whatever it is, I need to take action! Beginning tomorrow, after a long night's rest, and mass, I will go for a walk. It's a start...on my way to a new me. :-)

Friday, February 03, 2012

Friday Night Funk

One should look forward to the weekend but it seems like when Friday night rolls around I have absolutely no energy to do anything. Nothing, nada. No initiative--just want to crawl into bed and sleep. Work sometimes sucks the life out of me. :-(

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

48 in January in Wisconsin?

I reveled in the sunshine today when I ran some errands over lunch today. My car temperature gauge said 48 degrees! This seems to be the norm this year instead of the usual very cold temperatures. I worry about my perennial flowers and some of the farmer's crops without the blanket of snow, but I have to say I'm digging all of the sunshine!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

UW-Madison Band

Got to experience the Madison band at a fundraiser for Oconomowoc High School bands. Very entertaining of course. Two former classmates of my oldest daughter are in the band. They put on a very good and entertaining show. Got to spoil my youngest daughter by taking her for ice cream after the show.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Renting Movies

I mailed a care package to Sarah, my oldest daughter today. Our post office is within walking distance, which I like. There also happens to be a video rental store nearby as well. Since renting a movie through Time Warner Cable is cost prohibitive, I decided to rent through the store. I was able to get almost three times as many rentals for the price I would have rented one movie through the cable provider.

After an evening of doing absolutely nothing last night, I was productive this morning...making Valentine cut out cookies for the care package and getting the dishes caught up.

Monday, January 09, 2012


Disruptions were minimal today at work. First two early meetings were cancelled and that left the day wide open to be productive. Got some documentation completed along with a record number of items crossed off of my TO DO list. Hoping tomorrow will be as productive!

Had an amazing night with Megan. Sarah was working at her job in Madison and Corey was at a wood working guild meeting so it was just her and I. We ate breakfast for supper, did dishes, practiced her piano a bit and we read some from a book about giant squids that no human has seen alive (only dead, washed up on the shore bodies). Quite interesting. I like evenings like this when we have time for her not to compete for any attention and she is more relaxed and amenable.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

One Sentence Blogging

I was inspired today from an article in Good Housekeeping magazine (February 2012 issue) to keep a journal but be realistic about what I write. Try and write one sentence a day about a memory of the day or something witty one of my kids has said etc. Can I do this? Can I keep it to one sentence?

Today was quite relaxing. After mass I was able to read the paper, several magazines, and watch a slew of movies with the girls. I made a large batch of spaghetti and generally lazed about all day in my lounge chair! Nice!